Product Description
Kyo No Oshiroi Otoshi Face Wash Foam (120g) is fine, resilient, and fluffy foam that wraps to wash your skin. The dirt out of your skin is lifted and washed off smoothly.
1) Additive Free
- No Preservatives such as Paraben
- No Stimulants such as Alcohol nor Fragrance
2) Anti-Aging Target
3) Good for these types of Skin.
- Normal Skin, Dry Skin, Oil Skin, Mixed Skin (Dry parts and Oily parts), Sensitive Skin
4) Targeting for these concerns.
- Skin Spots, Wrinkles, Dullness, Saggy, Pimples, Acnes
Kyono Oshiroi Otoshi Skincare Series
- Anti Aging (Deep Care)
- Good for Extra Dry Skin
Aqua Gold, Aqua Palladium, Aqua Platinum
Made in Japan
Other Kyo No Oshiroi Otoshi Series